Friday, January 16, 2009

Looking for Justice

Looking for Justice

The liberal looney tune justice system looked at the case of two hard working Border Patrol agents and decided they should be in prison. These men are (were) on the battle line everyday fighting to keep this country free of varmints smuggling drugs across our borders so as to prevent the destruction they cause to our society, and "daily" they had to confront the flow of "Illegal" imargrants from trying to enter our country while devastatingly contributing to the destruction of our economy and adding profoundly to the moral decline of America. During one of their routine days of service they comforted a mexican drug smuggler and to make a long story short, shot him in the butt as he tried to escape. This scum bag was not only a drugh smuggler but a coyote to boot. Trafficing in human cargo and illegal drugs was enough in my book of crimes to "at least" shoot the SOB in the ass. I bet the officers have secretly wished he hadn't survived because he eventually found his way to the Mexican Government, whom I have no respect for, and they in turn put pressure on our Government to file charges against these courageous men. We've all heard the story many times and the vast majority of Americans are appalled at the punishment that was given to them for protecting us. The minority demanding their heads were the illegalls and their sympathizers and they won the hearts of the Justice System and got their way. How many times have we uttered the words, "What in the Hell has happened to our Justice System?". It's almost surreal how screwed up this country is. I for one am so ashamed and just plain fed-up with this backward injustice. It is a wonder we stop any crimes at our borders.

Good People of America we have been infiltrated by our enemies and they are in our courts prophesizing as Judges claiming to uphold the law and they along with the lawyers and politians are working desperately to tear this country down from the inside out.

I do think President George W. Bush is an Honorable man and I would like to see him prove this to the Citizens of the United States of America and to the World by pardoning the illegal sentences handed down to these two Border Patrol Agents and let them and their families get on with their lives. I would probably be asking too much to demand a victory parade in their honor but if I had the money I would most definitely give them one.

President Bush we are looking to you for "JUSTICE"


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. That is unbelievable. If we start punishing people that are upholding the law, pretty soon we'll have no one to protect us.
