Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Speak-up America!


  1. Hi guys. I just wanted to comment on what I saw last night on the Presidental Address.

    I have never been a political person. In fact, I have learned a lot about it this past year or so.

    I truly believe in what Obama had to say last night. I truly believe that he wants what is best for the American people. I was greatful that he set the bar as high as he did because anything short of that will still be significant. I feel that we will begin to see some changes.

    I am glad that he has finally broken the stereotypical President "mold" and finally someone is up to bat for all people.

    These are just a few of the many thoughts I have on what is going on right now. I may change my mind. But I am confident in our President right now.

  2. Thanks, Stay At Home Mom for your input! I have to say that as opposed as I was to Obama during the election, last night's speech was great. He did make some good points and I was suprised by some of the decisive words and actions he demonstrated. I'm willing to be objective and judge him on his performance and not by any other means.

    I agree that he shows more outward concern for the American people than past presidents, but of course the true test will be based on what he does and not what he says. Regardless of political affiliations, I'm pulling for Obama to succeed. To wish for his failure would be to wish for the failure of America. I guess only time will tell...

    Thanks again for sharing your thoughts! It's great to hear from you!
