The title is not as precise as I would it it so I will expand on it. Stupid things that people do either because of ignorance - bad upbringing - lack of sensitivity - or they just don't give a hoot what you or anyone else thinks. They don't even like themselves that much either or they would think twice before acting out their disgusting and sometimes dangerous ways! Some are just disgusting while others cause destruction to themselves and a multitude that are living in the same world they we are living in.
- Leaving your chewing gum under a table
- Leaving behind the trash that you could have discarded
- Cutting in line
- Flipping the bird - now really
- Making fun of others - Shameful!
- Getting in an express line with a basket full and way over the limit
- Loudly carrying on a conversation while on your cell phone in public
- Cursing in public
- Getting in a loud argument with your kids while in public
- Looking down on others
- Laughing at God
- Slamming the car door
- Walking into a house with muddy shoes
- Spitting out the window of the car
- Slamming your brakes to get someone off your tail
- Starting or participating in an argument while on the road
- Flopping yourself down next to someone as to cause a disturbance - RUDE
- Playing your music so loud as to annoy others
- Talking on a cell phone in a theatre
- Failing to control your bodily functions while in public
- Making annoying sounds
- Staring at others
- Speaking in a foreign language different from the norm in an elevator full of people
- Putting on makeup while driving
- Going out in public in your pajamas
- Walking into someone without excusing yourself
- Driving in the fast lane going slower than the speed limit
- Popping your pimples in public
- Walking out of the house looking like a slob
- Having a tattoo placed anywhere on your body
- Throwing your trash on the ground
- Wearing outrageous attire simply for the reason of causing a scene
- Fat people exposing their blubber in public
- Letting your children talk back to you
- Cursing at your employees
- Voting without thinking first!
- Letting your emotions get the best of you
- Failure to come to grips with your problems
- Going through life thinking someone owes you a living
- Ignoring your potential to excel
- Thinking you are better than everybody else
- Waiting too long to make the right decisions
- Forgetting to thank God for his mercy
- Living with experiencing success
- Getting in a fight without proper training
- Underestimating your opponent
- Failure to take a risk
- Living beyond your means
- Neglecting your family
- Thinking you are always right
- Thinking you are always wrong
- Judging a person until you know the facts
- Painting without a drop cloth
- Living without a safety net
- Ignoring the obvious
- Letting your kids walk all over you
- Pushing yourself on others
- Be a bully
- Cheating on a test
- Lying to your parents
- Assuming your parents are dumber than poot
- Participating in drugs
- Drinking too much
- Wishing your troubles would go away and doing nothing to make it happen
- Thinking you are worthless
- Abandoning a child
- Having an abortion
- Failing to acknowledge abortion is "killing another human being"
- Never having an original thought
- Spending more than you have
- Letting people walk all over you
- Not exercising
- Overeating
- Exposing your filthy mind to others
- Forgetting your the parent
- Letting kids have too much voice in the way they are raised
- Schools abandoning dress codes
- Trying to please everybody
- Parents letting their kids dress like whores, hoodlums, gangsters, drug addicts, degenerates and sociopaths
- Failure of the grownups to control violence in school
- Parents failing to grow up
- Not fighting back against evil
- Allowing your kids to control you
- Giving your kid too much
- Failure to teach your kid the value of respect
- Thinking you can't make a difference
- Wearing clothes that are skin tight and two sizes too small
- Being obnoxious in public
- Speaking in anger
- Not knowing when to quit
- Overstaying your welcome
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